Springs Mortgage Incorporated Pre-Qualification Mortgage Form
Borrower Information
Name, Home Phone, Social Security Number, Email and Springs Mortgage Authorization are REQUIRED Fields
Borrower's Name (incl. Jr or Sr.): Social Security #:
Complete Home Ph: Email:
Age: Yrs School:
Number of Children:
Present Home Address:
City: State: Zip:
Property Status: House / Rent Payment: $/mo.
Borrower Employment Information
Name of Employer:
Address of Employer:
City: State: Zip:
Years at this job: Years in profession: Position/Title:
Bus Phone w/ Area Code: -
C0-Borrower Information
C0-Borrower's Name (incl. Jr or Sr.):
Social Security No.: Complete Home Ph:
Age: Yrs School:
Present Home Address:
City: State: Zip:
Property Status: House / Rent Payment: $/mo.
CO-Borrower Employment Information
Name of Employer:
Address of Employer:
City: State: Zip:
Year at this job: Year in profession:
Business Phone with Area Code: -
Monthly Income
Note: If your income is changing in any way from what you are currently receiving, please only list the new income below.
Gross Monthly Income    Borrower    CO-Borrower
Base Income $ $
Overtime/Commisions $ $
Rental Income $ $
Other Income $ $
What is your military pay grade?
Source of Down Payment / Closing Cost
Source    Amount
Sale of Current Home $
Savings/Checking Accounts $
Gift/Other Sources $
Down Payment Planned $
If using VA eligibility have you used your eligibility before?
Checking and Savings Accounts
Bank Name & Acct. Balance $
Bank Name & Acct. Balance $
Stock and Other Assets
Bank Name & Acct. Balance $
Bank Name & Acct. Balance $
Retirment, 401K, emply. savings: $
Real Estate Assets: $
Loans Owed    Payment    Balance
Mortgage (if applicable) $ $
Creditor: $ $
Creditor: $ $
Creditor: $ $
Child Support/alimony owed $ $
Payment Goal:

Buy selecting the radio button at the end of this statement,I certify that the above information is true and correct. I authorize Springs Mortgage to obtain a credit report in order to make a preliminary determination of a mortgage loan application. I understand that a full loan application and credit report must be completed at a later date. Click if you agree: Yes, I agree:    No, I do not agree:

Preferred Method of Contact:
Additional Comments:

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